Here Are 10 Fascinating Historical Cases Where People Claimed to be the Messiah

Here Are 10 Fascinating Historical Cases Where People Claimed to be the Messiah

Larry Holzwarth - February 11, 2018

Here Are 10 Fascinating Historical Cases Where People Claimed to be the Messiah
Before being reincarnated as Jesus Christ, Ernest Norman claimed to have been Confucius, and many others. Wikimedia

Ernest Norman

Ernest Norman was an electrical engineer by training. He was the writer of more than twenty books, on a diverse group of topics, including theoretical physics, life on other worlds, and modern poetry. He was a co-founder of the Unarius Science of Life and the Unarius Academy of Science. Unarius is an acronym which stands for Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science. Its practitioners refer to themselves as Unarians.

Unarians believe in the immortality of the human soul, reincarnation, and that higher beings from other dimensions and worlds channel knowledge to the enlightened here on Earth. Norman claimed that the books that he had written were merely channeled through him. Books written by other Unarians are channeled from him as well as others. Unarians consider themselves to be practicing a science, not a religion, and there is little dogma.

Norman wrote several articles and included in many of his books arguments against religion, and viewed his organization as scientific rather than religious. Nevertheless Norman believed to be overshadowed throughout his life by an Archangel, one of a group of Archangels who dwell on a super planet. His past lives included incarnations as Benjamin Franklin, Confucius, Jesus Christ, Socrates, and many others. Norman taught the students who studied with him that they had been present with him during his incarnation as Jesus, and that their mutual enemies from that life were reincarnated as well.

Norman taught that the population of the earth was watched and protected by the Higher Beings and that all humans could use their psychic powers to communicate with them. Norman’s co-founder of Unarius on Earth was his wife Ruth, whom he had met when she attended a spiritualist convention. There Norman was told by a spiritualist that there were three men with him carrying books, unseen by anyone else. Norman said that the three were the prophets Elisha, Enoch and Ezra. The books they were carrying were the books Norman would eventually write, once they had been channeled to him.

Norman didn’t claim that he was Jesus returned to earth in the form of the Second Coming of Christ, merely that he had been Jesus in a previous life, one in which presumably he was channeling higher beings as well. Since he also claimed to have been Confucius in a prior life he evidently had no problem with conflicting religious teachings or dogmas. Norman died in 1971. Presumably he is waiting to return as another being, if he hasn’t already.
