Maria Reiter
Maria Reiter was, according to her own story, a 16 year old shopgirl in Obersalzberg when she met Adolf Hitler, who was then 37 years of age. After becoming friendly Hitler asked the girl out, and she accepted. Their first date was punctuated by clumsy advances from Hitler, but led to subsequent dates, and eventually Hitler told Maria that he wanted her to be his wife and the mother of his children, though his work was too important for him to consider marriage and family life at the time. Hitler promised marriage when the time was right and he could afford to concentrate less on what he called his duty;
By the late 1920s Hitler was largely ignoring the former object of his passion, and Maria became depressed. In 1928 she attempted to hang herself, but her brother in law intervened and saved her life. Shortly after the attempted suicide Maria married an innkeeper in Obersalzberg. In 1931 she left her husband after a message was delivered to her from Hitler. The messenger was Rudolph Hess, and he conveyed Hitler’s continued interest to her, prompting her to visit him in Munich. After spending the night together Hitler asked Maria to stay in Munich, and directed his lawyer to handle Maria’s divorce from her husband.
In 1934 Hitler again asked Reiter to join him, though he was by then living in Berlin, as well as seeing Eva Braun. Reiter reiterated her desire for marriage rather than just an illicit relationship. Hitler once more expressed his difficulties with marriage, since his work and his plans for the future required all of his time and concentration. This led to an argument between the two, and Reiter eventually said no to Hitler. In 1936 she married Georg Kubisch, an SS officer with the rank of Hauptsturmfuhrer, roughly equivalent to an army captain. Hitler was aware of the marriage and offered his congratulations to the SS officer.
In 1938, according to Reiter, she met with Hitler again and for the last time. During this meeting, Hitler complained of what he perceived to be problems in his relationship with Eva Braun, and intimated that there was still the possibility of a secret relationship between him and the married Maria. Maria turned him down. In May 1940, Maria became a widow when her husband was killed during the German thrust to the beaches at Dunkirk. Maria received condolences from the Fuhrer, accompanied with 100 roses, but there were no further claims of his affection, nor requests for a relationship.
Maria Reiter’s claims of a sexual relationship with Hitler are largely unconfirmed other than her own comments, and the support of Hitler’s sister Paula. Historians have unearthed two letters which were written by Maria to Hitler, but nothing in reply from him directed to her. During the time in which Reiter claimed to have been involved with Hitler, in the late 1920s and the early 1930s both his niece Geli (until her death) and his later companion Eva Braun, were on the scene. Maria Reiter gave her story to the German publication Stern in 1959, and died in 1992 at the age of 80.