11 – Skull & Bones
In terms of powerful secret societies, the Bilderberg Group is top of the pile, but if it’s a combination of secrecy, weirdness and status that you’re after, then the Skull & Bones might well top the lot. On the surface, the Skulls & Bones might just be a silly game played by spoiled students at one of the world’s most prestigious universities, Yale, but look a little deeper and you had found an alumni that certainly suggests something a little more sinister. There are three Presidents – William Howard Taft plus the two Bushes – two Supreme Court judges (three if you count Taft again) as well as several Secretaries of Defence, media tycoons and corporate leaders aplenty.
The origins of the Skull & Bones are, by the standards of the United States, ancient. They were first convened in 1832 by William Huntington Russell, a founder of the Republican Party, and Alphonso Taft, father of William Howard and himself once a member of the US cabinet. They scurried along barely noticed until the 1870s when a former Yale student wrote of it in his autobiography. The rituals of the society that are known somewhat cryptic: they use Yale’s “Tap Day” to invite a select group of 15 men and women whom they suspect will be notables in later life or on campus to become members. Once invited, the inductees are taken to The Tomb, as the meeting place of the Skull & Bones is known.
Members have never been anonymous – the society releases the names of the new invitees every year – but what takes place within the four walls of The Tomb and on the society’s private retreat, Deer Island, is to this day shrouded in secrecy. Members are required to take on society pseudonyms, usually taken from antiquity and classical literature, and use a complex numerical code by which clocks are set to 5 minutes ahead of the real-time and special importance is placed on the number 322.
The origins of this are unclear, though speculation holds that it is something to do with the Lamian War in Greek antiquity or an original founding chapter of the organization that existed before the Yale group was created, possibly in Germany. Wilder conspiracy theories have it that the society holds several famous skulls in The Tomb, with former President Martin van Buren, Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa and Native American leader Geronimo are just some of the skulls speculated.
Indeed, there are some that hold the Skulls & Bones to be the first incarnation of the American branch of the Illuminati. Aside from the timings – the Illuminati went into abeyance in 1785 and the Skulls & Bones did not come into existence until 1832 – there seems to be little to link the two, other than that they have both had some seriously influential people come through their ranks over the years. What seems more likely is that it is a simple student society at a university that already has a lot of students who go on to great things – it is, after all, hard to see a group that includes the likes of Paul Giamatti and Michael Cerveris among the alumni to be too dangerous…
Sources For Further Reading:
NYTimes – The Secret World of Opus Dei
History Channel – 7 Things You May Not Know About Freemasons
The Atlantic – What It’s Like to Join the Freemasons
The National Archives – The Templars’ ‘Curse’ On the King of France
The Connexion – The Knights Templar – A Christian Military Force Crushed by A French King
America Magazine – Opus Dei in the United States
World History Encyclopedia – The Assassins
Encyclopedia Britannica – Gavrilo Princip
The Guardian – Gavrilo Princip: Hero or Villain?
ThoughtCo – The Black Hand: Serbian Terrorists Spark WWI
The Washington Post – What Everyone Gets Wrong About the Start Of World War I
History Extra – Why Europe’s Great Year of Revolution In 1848 Failed
BBC – The Birthplace of The Illuminati
Spy Scape – Secrets of The Illuminati: The Top-Secret Society with Plans to Rule the World
The Week – Who Are the Illuminati – And What Do They Control?
BBC News – Just Who Exactly Is Going to The Bilderberg Meeting?
New England Historical Society – Skull and Bones, or 7 Fast Facts About Yale’s Secret Society
The Washington Post – A Look Inside Yale’s Secret Societies — And Why They May No Longer Matter