16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of

16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of

Natasha sheldon - August 21, 2018


16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of
“The Kelpie” by Thomas Millie Dow. C. 1895. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.

10. Kelpies, the shape-shifting demons from Scotland who attacked stragglers and made children vanish without a trace.

Kelpies were shape-changing demons from Scottish legend. They could take on human form but also commonly appeared as horses– hence their name which comes from the Gaelic for heifer or colt. Every lake or river in Scotland reputedly had its resident kelpie. Unlike many demons, when they appeared, they seemed harmless. However, looks were deceptive. For kelpies harbored malevolent intent against anyone who strayed onto their territory.

Children, in particular, needed to beware of lone ponies grazing on riverbanks. For if they attempted to ride the little beasts, no one would see them again. For many of these horses were Kelpies in disguise. Their magically sticky hide would prevent the children from dismounting, allowing the water demon to drag the children into the water and devour them. Kelpies also appeared to young men as lovely young women who lured their victims to a watery death. Less subtle was the form kelpies took for general travelers. They would either appear as burly humans who would crush them to death or else summon a flood to wash them away.

However, if the kelpie took equine form, it was possible to control it like any other horse by using its bridle. For this would render the Kelpie helpless and bound to obey the holder of the bridles commands.

Kelpies could only strike next to bodies of water. The next demon was even more localized and would cease to exist if it left the island of Bali.
