16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of

16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of

Natasha sheldon - August 21, 2018

16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of
Rangda, demon queen of the Leyaks. Picture Credit: Rollan Budi. Wikimedia Commons. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

11. The Leyak was the most gruesome vampire-like demon which discarded its body and drag its organs from the severed head.

The Leyak was a horrifying, vampire-like demon particular to the island of Bali. By day, the creature appeared to be a human being. However, come nightfall, a horrific change occurred. For the demon would then throw off its human disguise and reveal itself as a monstrous head, with fangs and bulging eyes. It would discard its body- but still retain its entrails and organs, which would dangle beneath its mobile severed head.

The Leyak generally lurk about graveyards, feeding on the blood of corpses. However, if possible it preferred its blood fresh and its favorite source was the blood of newborn infants and their mothers. An offering of fresh blood left outside a house was often enough to dispel a Leyak. However, ultimately, the creatures fell under the control of Rangda, the Demon Queen. This female demon played a prominent role in Balinese religious ritual. Each village kept her mask in the village death temple where she was propitiated to ward off the malign influence of her demon hoards.

Leyaks were not natural-born demons but rather the corrupted souls of those who practiced black magic. Besides drinking blood, they were believed to be able to possess their unfortunate victims. This aspect and their former human nature suggest the Leyak was a way for the Balinese to rationalize mental illness. However, like many other demons, the Leyak was also a way of explaining physical disease, as they were also held responsible for epidemics and crop failure. Interestingly, the easiest way to dispose of a Leyak was to remove it from Bali. For it was repatriated anywhere else, even to a nearby island, it would cease to exist.

Other cultures also used demons as an excuse for deviant behavior.
