16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of

16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of

Natasha sheldon - August 21, 2018

16 Disturbing Historical Demons People are Scared Of
“Luzifer” by Franz Stuck. C 1890. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.

16. Lucifer/Satan is the ultimate demon in this list.

Lucifer/Satan is the ultimate demon. The adversary of the Christian god and agent of all evil in the world, he is the ruler of all other demons. However, the concept “The Devil” as this king of demons is generally known has evolved. It also amalgamates a variety of different traditions.

Lucifer is the name applied to Satan before his fall from grace. Initially, Lucifer was an angel, one of the Seraphim, the highest order of angels. His name meant the “light-bearer,” but he was also known as “The Morning Star” due to his association with the planet Venus. However, after he and a group of other Angels unsuccessful rebelled against God, Lucifer was cast out of heaven into “the depths of the pit” No longer a bearer of light, he became known as ‘Satan”- the adversary because of his opposition of God.

When translated from the original Hebrew, the name Satan means “adversary.” Initially, however, Satan was not the adversary of God but rather of evil on earth. He was sent by God to roam the earth seeking out wrongdoers to report to God, as well as testing the goodness of humans. However, under the influence of the Persian Zoroastrianism, Satan’s role changed as this religion’s belief in the duality of creation cast Satan in opposition to God. Thus God’s adversary on earth became the embodiment of darkness and evil in contrast to the deity’s goodness and light.

Sources For Further Reading:

Medievalists – Demons, Djinns, and Devils of the Medieval Islamic World

Ancient Origins – Lilith: Ancient Demon, Dark Deity or Sensual Goddess?

CTGN – Eat the Sun: Eclipse Tales Down the Years

Legends of America – Wendigo – Flesheater of the Forests

National Geographic Channel – Who Is Krampus? Explaining The Horrific Christmas Beast

History Collection – Spooky Native American Monsters That Will Keep You Awake at Night
