16 Facts About the Iranian Revolution and How it Changed World History

16 Facts About the Iranian Revolution and How it Changed World History

Trista - December 9, 2018

16 Facts About the Iranian Revolution and How it Changed World History
Many clerics decried what they viewed as Western licentiousness, such as women dressing provocatively. Boredpanda.

8. The Shah Didn’t Realize the People Were Increasingly Opposing His Policies

The Shah seemed to be blissfully unaware that his people were so absolutely opposed to his reforms. In fact, he was convinced that they were good for the country and that the people loved them. So he did what any self-deluded monarch in his place would do: continued implementing reforms that he thought people loved. Additional changes that he performed by the White Revolution included introducing liberal laws for empowering women; reducing the local power and autonomy of ethnic groups, especially in the countryside; and bringing healthcare and education to rural areas.

Some of these reforms probably were beneficial, but the overall impact was a breakdown of local ties, such as in tribal areas, where people viewed themselves primarily as members of the tribe and connected to their land rather than citizens of the country who owed allegiance to its ruler. Furthermore, as part of the White Revolution, the Shah advocated strong diplomatic ties with the West, especially with the United States. However, the role of the United States in the coup that ousted Muhammad Mossadegh had not been forgotten by the Iranian people. Additionally, the encroaching Western influence promoted a lifestyle of lascivious sin and materialism, things that were adamantly opposed by Islam.
