16 Facts About the Real Pocahontas

16 Facts About the Real Pocahontas

Shannon Quinn - September 28, 2018

16 Facts About the Real Pocahontas
Illustration of Powhatan warriors preparing to attack the Jamestown settlers. Credit: VirginiaPlaces.org

7. There Was a Battle Over Pocahontas

In the year 1614, Pocahontas’ father finally gathered a group of soldiers and tried to rescue her. This resulted in the deaths of dozens of men. Her captors finally allowed her father to speak to her, and she apparently told him to let her go, and that she wanted to go to England. There is a very good chance that Pocahontas just wanted the fighting to stop, and she didn’t want people to continue to die on her behalf.

It is also possible that this report was a form of propaganda from the English. If she really did say this, she may have had some form of Stockholm Syndrome, or the minister actually convinced her that life would be better in England.
