16 Facts About Womyn’s Land, The All-Female Communes that Offered a Safe Haven for Abused Women and Feminism

16 Facts About Womyn’s Land, The All-Female Communes that Offered a Safe Haven for Abused Women and Feminism

Shannon Quinn - October 31, 2018

16 Facts About Womyn’s Land, The All-Female Communes that Offered a Safe Haven for Abused Women and Feminism
A man who identifies as “Sister Mish” lives in an LGBT commune. Credit: New York Times


14. Trans Women Lived In LGBT Communities

Women’s communes were founded because ladies had nowhere else to go. For transgender women who desperately want to live their truth, that makes it difficult for them to fit into normal society, too. So it only makes sense that they got together to make these communes, as well.

These groups typically did not start until the 1970’s, and they are all-inclusive with people in the entire LGBTQ community. Usually, LGBT Communities have a majority of gay men and a handful of gender fluid or transgendered people. Some of these people identify with a counter-culture known as “radical faeries”. They have sanctuaries all over the world that welcome all kinds of people.
