16 Facts About Womyn’s Land, The All-Female Communes that Offered a Safe Haven for Abused Women and Feminism

16 Facts About Womyn’s Land, The All-Female Communes that Offered a Safe Haven for Abused Women and Feminism

Shannon Quinn - October 31, 2018

16 Facts About Womyn’s Land, The All-Female Communes that Offered a Safe Haven for Abused Women and Feminism
In modern female communes, people live in cabins and tiny houses. Credit: Huffington Post


7. Back To The Land

In the 1960’s and 70’s, there was a boom of these all-female communities across the United States, and they were almost always situated far back in the woods on private land where people out in normal society didn’t even notice they existed. They called this “Going back to the land”- as in, living in self-sustaining communities that did not need the outside world to survive. Yes, this sounds extreme, but many women felt like it was their only option to escape the patriarchy and live life on their own terms.

These were called “Womyn’s Lands”, and many of them still exist today. They accept women of all races and religions. Some of these communes were specifically made to house lesbians. Other communities were meant to help women travelers who were brave enough to venture cross-country alone, and needed places to stay where they felt safe. (Considering how many women are still attacked and killed when traveling alone and staying in cheap motels, this kind of program would still be useful to this day.) Many of these places are filled with small cabins and shacks, almost like a campsite, and all of the citizens have to do their part to help keep the community going.
