16 Facts that Prove Rosslyn Chapel is the World’s Captivating Chapel

16 Facts that Prove Rosslyn Chapel is the World’s Captivating Chapel

Trista - November 23, 2018

16 Facts that Prove Rosslyn Chapel is the World’s Captivating Chapel
The Chancel of Rosslyn Chapel, 1878.
Photo by George Washington Wilson

5. Some Believe the Holy Grail Is Buried There

Going back to the Knights Templar theme, there are some who believe that the chapel was constructed as a repository for the Holy Grail, the cup that Jesus drank from the night before He was crucified. The Knights Templar were believed to be searching for the Grail, along with other relics like wood from the cross; some think that they found the Grail under the Temple of Solomon while they were protecting the city of Jerusalem during the Crusades. However, these claims are highly dubious.

Still, there is nothing like a good story, and Rosslyn Chapel is almost nothing if it is not the central feature of many good stories. The speculation is that in the fourteenth century when the Knights Templar order was officially abolished, and many of its leaders put to death, some of the survivors traveled to Scotland. Their descendants influenced the building of Rosslyn Chapel; in fact, William Sinclair himself may have been associated with the order. It was there at Rosslyn Chapel, probably under the Apprentice Pillar, that they buried the Holy Grail as a means of preserving it. Their descendants formed the organization known as the Freemasons, and the leaders of the Freemasons know the secrets of Rosslyn Chapel and the Grail.
