16 Geriatric Figures from History who Didn’t Let Age Stop Them

16 Geriatric Figures from History who Didn’t Let Age Stop Them

D.G. Hewitt - June 2, 2019

16 Geriatric Figures from History who Didn’t Let Age Stop Them
William IV had to wait decades to be given his chance to rule England. The Royal Family.

6. William IV of England only stepped up to the throne at the age of 64 and his old age made him a mellow monarch

As the third son of King George III of England, William never expected to one day inherit the crown. After all, his father had two healthy heirs, and they would produce heirs of their own. As such, he embraced the playboy lifestyle. Born in 1765, as a young man, he enjoyed all the benefits of wealth and privilege without being burdened by the responsibilities that came with wearing the crown. He loved sailing and saw the world with the British Navy. He also had a long, passionate relationship with an actress, Dorothea Jordan. Together, they had 10 children, all of them born out of wedlock.

All this changed in 1830, however. With the death of George IV, William became King. He was 64-years-old. While his father and brother had lived extravagant lifestyles, the new King William IV had simpler tastes. He insisted on a modest coronation and tried to keep out of politics as much as possible. When he did interfere, it was usually for the best. Under him, slavery was abolished in most of the Empire and conditions for the poor were improved. William died in 1837 at the age of 71. His niece Victoria succeeded him and would become one of England’s greatest-ever monarchs.
