16 Government Shutdowns Throughout American History

16 Government Shutdowns Throughout American History

Trista - January 26, 2019

16 Government Shutdowns Throughout American History
President Ronald Reagan meets with William Flynn Martin and his Cabinet in the Situation Room for a National Security Council meeting. RepubFan12/ Wikimedia Commons.

5. President Reagan Had Two Three-Day Shutdowns Within A Year

Some presidents have had very few to no government shutdowns during their terms, and then some presidents have had several. One of these presidents is Ronald Reagan, who could claim to have two different three-day government shutdown within a year. The first three-day shutdown under Reagan’s administration started on December 17, 1982, and ended on December 21st. During this time, the Senate was mainly Republican, and the House was mostly Democrat. However, Congress came to an agreement.

The problem started when President Ronald Reagan saw the agreed upon bill and didn’t like it. Therefore, Reagan vetoed the bill and left the House and Senate to come up with terms that he would agree to. Congress then went back to the drawing board and made a few changes, such as lower funding for the Legal Services Corp and abandoning their job plans. While Reagan was not completely happy with the changes, he just grumbled about them and signed the bill due to the pressure of needing the end the shutdown.
