16 Highway Robbers So Bad They Made it Into the History Books

16 Highway Robbers So Bad They Made it Into the History Books

Natasha sheldon - December 17, 2018

16 Highway Robbers So Bad They Made it Into the History Books
The Robber Punished by Sebastiaen Vrancx. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.

11. Tom Rowland: The Highwayman who committed Robbery Disguised as a woman.

Tom Rowland robbed the roads of England for an impressive eighteen years. However, what made his robberies notable was that he carried them out in full female costume- even riding side-saddle. Indeed, Rowland only ever switched to ride a stride if he needed to make an unusually swift get away. Rowland was finally caught in 1699 when he was apprehended robbing a person on Hounslow Heath of £1200 worth of bone lace. The court condemned Rowland to death and his execution scheduled for October 24, 1699.

Because of his success on the road, Harwood was able to pay for good, private quarters while in prison. On the morning of his execution, the Newgate Calendar noted with some disgust that his money even brought him a few hours ‘entertainment’ with a prostitute. Some have suggested that Rowland only dressed as a woman to hide his identity-which could well have worked as it certainly explains his long career. However, the sheer impracticality of female clothing suggests this isn’t the whole story. Could it be that Rowland dressed as a woman because he enjoyed it?

