9. Jack Ovet, the Lovelorn Highwayman of Nottinghamshire
Cobbler Jack Ovet had aspirations to be a gentleman highwayman. So he gave up shoemaking and took to the road instead. Ovet‘s career was reasonably successful if unremarkable-until the day he robbed the Worcester stagecoach. On board were several young ladies who Ovet robbed with characteristic courtesy. However, one of his victims captivated him and stole his heart. “Your charms have softened my temper, and I am no more the man I was.” Ovet reputedly told her as he purloined her valuables. However, Ovet vowed that he would pay the lady back- if she would give him her address!
Remarkably, the lady complied. A week later she received a letter from Ovet – not to return her money but to propose! “Though I lately had the cruelty to rob you of twenty guineas, yet you committed a greater robbery at the same time in robbing me of my heart.” declared Ovet. He asked his ladylove to send him her answer. The lady, however, was not seduced-and more than a little annoyed that Ovet had not returned her money. She declined Ovet‘s proposal- and told him she looked forward to his death on the gallows. The heartbroken highwayman was captured not long afterward, and on May 5, 1708, his ladylove got her wish.