16 Historical Dating Tips That Might Help Your Love Life

16 Historical Dating Tips That Might Help Your Love Life

Trista - October 7, 2018

16 Historical Dating Tips That Might Help Your Love Life
A painting of a woman holding a fan. Painting Mania.

5. Flirt With Fan Language

Fans were not merely a practical accessory in 17th century Europe. Fans were an integral part of philandering and courtship as they could be used to communicate messages to potential partners discreetly. Open wooing was frowned upon under the mores of the time, so resourceful women developed a complex language of romance, using the fans they carried, to ogle with men that caught their eyes. Just one more thing is more universal than flirting; it’s people finding clever ways to circumvent the restrictions of the era to engage in it.

The fan language of the era is well documented, with over 30 messages being decoded and preserved. The words ranged from explicit declarations of love with a fan held over the heart to a rather ominous message of “you are being watched” if the fan was twirled in the woman’s left hand. Women were also able to communicate status without open rejection, with signals for saying they were married or engaged. They were also able to gesture “no” with a fan on the left cheek.

One wonders how both men and women were taught this language. The value of such a system is clear though, especially at a time when open declarations of interest or even love would likely have been considered inappropriate. The ability to show a signal that inarguably means “no” seems like a valuable tool in a woman’s arsenal, as the use of the word “no” in romantic relationships continues to be a point of consternation and lack of understanding.
