16 Horrifying Historical Locations Where People Continue to Live in the United States

16 Horrifying Historical Locations Where People Continue to Live in the United States

Larry Holzwarth - December 29, 2018

16 Horrifying Historical Locations Where People Continue to Live in the United States
Seguin Island Lighthouse is just one of numerous lighthouses said to be haunted. Wikimedia

4. Seguin Island Lighthouse drove its keeper insane, or was it his wife?

Seguin Island boasts the tallest of Maine’s lighthouses, as well as its second oldest, which is still maintained by keepers on the desolate island, reachable only via boat or helicopter. The lighthouse and keeper’s quarters are haunted by the ghost of a keeper who purchased for his wife a piano to help alleviate the boredom of isolation throughout Maine’s long winters. Unfortunately, only a single piece of sheet music was available, and the wife played the piece over and over until her husband finally lost his mind. After using an axe to chop both piano and wife to pieces the keeper killed himself. They were discovered when the ice receded the following spring. Since that fateful winter successive keepers reported hearing the sounds of a piano playing, followed by screams and the sounds of chopping or hammering.

Seguin Island Lighthouse is still manned by keepers who remain on the island to maintain the light, as well as the campground and other facilities available for visitors in season. A guest bedroom in the keeper’s house was made available to visitors who wished to spend the night in the haunted structure, where the keepers likewise reside during their stay on the island. Visitors have reported seeing the spectral image of what was presumably the lighthouse keeper outside of the structure while the sound of piano music was heard inside the house. Coupled with the stormy weather along Maine’s rocky coast, which in the dark of a winter night is perfect for a classic horror film, Seguin Island Lighthouse is indeed a scary place in which to live, whether for a season or for just one night.
