16 Macabre Cultural Festivals in History that Make Halloween Look Like Child’s Play

16 Macabre Cultural Festivals in History that Make Halloween Look Like Child’s Play

Trista - October 25, 2018

16 Macabre Cultural Festivals in History that Make Halloween Look Like Child’s Play
A photograph of participants at the Banks of the Foyle. Charles McQuillan/Getty.


3. Northern Ireland – Banks of the Foyle

It is perhaps unsurprising, given Ireland’s historic role in the creation of what we now know as Halloween through the festival of Samhain, that the Irish have rich Halloween celebrations. In particular, the Irish celebrate Halloween with a massive festival along the banks of the River Foyle in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. The festival is Europe’s largest Halloween celebration. The roots of Samhain can be found in the Irish name for the festival, Féile na Samhna.

While Ireland has celebrated Halloween and it’s progenitor, Samhain, for centuries, the Derry festival on the river Foyle has only been at its peak since the 1980s. The festival offers many Halloween spectacles include a grand parade and an interactive haunted house. It is believed to the be the oldest and longest running European Halloween festival in addition to the largest. Over 30,000 people participate in the ghoulish festivities every year.

The festival pays homage to the roots of Samhain with cultural events, including music, art, and lectures, that educate the public about the historic festival and its impact on modern Halloween celebrations. More modern delights include film screenings of spooky shows such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Ghostbusters, treasure hunts, zombie runs, and more.
