16 Mysterious Ancient Buildings and Structures from Around the World

16 Mysterious Ancient Buildings and Structures from Around the World

Natasha sheldon - September 11, 2018

16 Mysterious Ancient Buildings and Structures from Around the World
19th-century painting of Sphinx of Giza by David Roberts. Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain

11. The Sphinx: Who built it, when and why? And what Secrets Does it Hide?

The Great Sphinx of Giza is one of the most enigmatic constructions in the world. Located on the Giza Plateau ten kilometers west of Cairo, it faces the rising sun, not far from the three great pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaura. Known to later Pharaohs as Hor-Em-Akhet “Horus of the Horizon,” its original function is unknown as is its exact date of construction.

Some experts believe that weathering patterns on the sphinx indicate water erosion, suggesting that the monument was built between 7000-10,000 years ago when the area around Giza was less arid. However, these marks are found nowhere else on the plateau and may be due to later environmental damage. Others claim that the Sphinx and its neighboring pyramids form a terrestrial map of the constellations as they were 10,500 years ago-making the Sphinx older still. However, as with so much about the Sphinx, tangible evidence that provides solid answers is elusive.

However, what archaeology lacks, imagination provides. Perhaps the most debated mystery of the Sphinx is what lies beneath it. Archaeological surveys have identified various ‘anomalies’ beneath the monument, prompting speculation of secret chambers and hidden secrets. However, as no closer examination has been carried out, these ‘chambers’ could just be natural features.
