16 Outrageous Las Vegas Hotels and Casinos That Were Never Completed

16 Outrageous Las Vegas Hotels and Casinos That Were Never Completed

Shannon Quinn - August 27, 2018

Las Vegas has a short history since it was founded in the middle of the deserts of Nevada in 1905. It did not begin to have its reputation as “sin city” until the 1920s and 30s, when people began to go there for relaxed divorce laws, drinking, and entertainment. Since then, the city has continued to grow. In Las Vegas, bigger is better, and casino owners are always trying to outdo one another to attract the attention of tourists who are ready to spend their hard-earned money.

With so many new attractions being built on a regular basis, it only makes sense that not every single idea made the cut. You may be shocked to see which hotel and casino ideas were almost a reality in Las Vegas.

16 Outrageous Las Vegas Hotels and Casinos That Were Never Completed
This 3D model laid out the concept of The Moon hotel and resort. VegasTodayAndTomorrow.com

1. Las Vegas visitors nearly had a chance to sleep inside the Moon… well sort of.

Why fly to the moon when you can experience it on Earth? A 3D model of the hotel- which actually did look like the real moon- was made to show just what this place would have looked like. This hotel would have had 10,000 rooms and multiple floors of gambling. Add on a convention center, a shopping mall, plus indoor golf and tennis.

Since the moon’s gravitational pull controls the ocean tides, it only makes sense that they wanted to install an indoor wave pool. This would be surrounded by other pools and spas, including one with a water slide that emptied out into one of the moon’s craters.

For a bit of adventure, guests could use the rock climbing wall, or jump in a replica of the Apollo mission land cruisers, and ride over bumpy terrain to feel like they just landed on the surface of the moon. The project would have cost $5 Billion to complete.
