16 Reasons Why the Da Vinci Code is Full of Inaccurate History

16 Reasons Why the Da Vinci Code is Full of Inaccurate History

Trista - October 29, 2018

16 Reasons Why the Da Vinci Code is Full of Inaccurate History
The Western Wall, in the Old City of Jerusalem, all that remains of the Second Temple.
AbleStock / Jupiterimages / britannica.com.

4. The Knights Templar Did Not Discover Documents Below Solomon’s Temple

According to The Da Vinci Code, the Knights Templar discovered the Sang Real, or Holy Grail, documents, which confirmed the bloodline of Jesus through His marriage to Mary Magdalene, underneath Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem and saw it as their sworn duty to protect them. The authors of The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, upon which much of Dan Brown’s ideas about the Holy Grail rests, allege that one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, uncovered in the 1940s and 1950s, talks about documents and various treasures around the temple. Based on the Dead Sea Scrolls, they speculate that the Knights Templar could have found documents related to the Sang Real.

That is if such documents actually existed. The Dead Sea Scrolls were written well over a millennium before the Knights Templar came to power during the Crusades, and the treasures spoken of could well have vanished well before they reached Jerusalem. The part of the temple at stake here was 150 feet below ground, so the possibility of digging that far down is doubtful. Modern archaeologists have confirmed that there is no evidence that any excavation occurred in or below the temple, particularly during the time of the Templars. The entire idea that the Knights Templar had secret documents in their possession is loose speculation based on a very creative interpretation of only a few known facts.
