16 Surprising Facts About Halloween You Never Knew

16 Surprising Facts About Halloween You Never Knew

Trista - October 30, 2018

16 Surprising Facts About Halloween You Never Knew
A black cat with hair raised. Wikimedia.

7. Animal Shelters Don’t Adopt Out Black Cats in October

Urban legends abound of Satanic rituals involving the sacrifice of black cats in October. In 1999, the director of animal placement for the ASPCA went on record saying “This is a time when blood rituals take place. Black cats are often sacrificed.” Despite there being no actual evidence that black cats are in any danger during October, this statement from a high ranking animal rights worker cemented the legend in the minds of many.

Today, many shelters still refuse to adopt out black cats during the week surrounding Halloween and, in some areas, the entire month of October. The persistent association of black cats with witchcraft and Satanism, due to the black cat’s popular historical image as the favorite form of a witch’s familiar, has led many to believe those with malign intent will adopt the cats.

While there is no evidence that black cats are in danger of blood sacrifice during October, there is one very present and real danger: being treated as costume accessories. Much like puppies given as gifts for Christmas or baby chicks purchased during Easter, there is a real, and justified, fear that black cats adopted near Halloween will be used as a costume accessory only to be unceremoniously dumped or returned after the costume party is over.
