17 Mishandled International Events Throughout History

17 Mishandled International Events Throughout History

Steve - December 10, 2018

17 Mishandled International Events Throughout History
Mr. Berlusconi addressing a crowd of supporters in Milan. Associated Foreign Press/GETTY.

7. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi repeatedly referred to the Obamas as “sun-tanned”

In September 2009, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, not known for shying away from controversy including the alleged hiring of under-age prostitutes and pledging to marry attractive female members of his cabinet, referred to President Barack Obama in astonishingly undiplomatic fashion. Recounting his recent visit to the United States, Berlusconi, in announcing that he carried well-wishes from first African-American President of the United States, stated: “I have to bring you some greetings, greetings from a man, what is his name – just a minute it was someone with a tan – Barack Obama”.

Not the first time that Berlusconi had made remarks concerning the skin color of the American President, making headlines in November 2008 when he commented that the president-elect was “young, handsome and even suntanned.” However, on this occasion not content to merely repeat his insulting remarks, Berlusconi went further by referencing the First Lady, commenting that “you wouldn’t believe it but they go to the beach together to sunbathe because even his wife is suntanned”. Criticized by many within Italian political circles, including the country’s sole black Member of Parliament, Jean Leonard Touadi, who rebuked the president in that “by repeating these quips that are out of place, the prime minister continues to damage the image of Italy”. Berlusconi responding to these criticisms by saying anyone who did not find the comments funny was an “imbecile”.
