17 Structures from History that some People claim Ancient Aliens are Responsible for

17 Structures from History that some People claim Ancient Aliens are Responsible for

Steve - October 12, 2018

17 Structures from History that some People claim Ancient Aliens are Responsible for
The Avenue of the Dead and the Pyramid of the Sun, as seen from the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan. Wikimedia Commons.

15. Teotihuacán was NOT a product of an advanced alien civilization with access to electricity

Teotihuacán – the “City of the Gods” – is an ancient Mesoamerican city located in the Valley of Mexico, believed to have been founded around 100 BCE. During the 1st millennium, CE Teotihuacán was likely the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas, with its estimated population in excess of 125,000 making it at least the sixth-largest city in the world at that time. However for reasons unknown the city was abandoned during the 7th and 8th centuries, before being found and repopulated by the Aztec Empire in the 14th century. Among its most impressive structures, the Avenue of the Dead comprises 15 pyramids including the colossal Pyramid of the Sun – the third largest pyramid in the world, measuring 720 feet in length, 760 feet wide, and 41,841,817 cubic feet in volume.

Due to such immense constructs, in addition to claims of astronomical alignment, similarities to other ancient pyramids such as at Giza, and the sudden decline of the once-great city, it is often claimed that the city was the product of technologically superior aliens. The existence of stores of liquid mercury and the presence of large quantities of mica – a silicate mineral stable when exposed to electricity – embedded in the walls and roads has also led some ancient astronaut theorists to claim the existence of an electrical grid in the ancient city.

In actuality, the mysteries of Teotihuacán are reasonably well explained. The Pyramid of the Sun was constructed over roughly a hundred-year period, beginning approximately in 100 CE, using simple and known building methods. Laying each level separately, and adding a finish of lime plaster upon which colored murals were painted, the technology of the time would have been more than sufficient. Equally, the presence of pyramids themselves across separated continents reflects not alien interference but basic geometry; a pyramid is a high strength, stable structure, requiring few intricate parts and thus an excellent choice for an imposing yet achievable monument. Lastly, the sudden decline of Teotihuacán is largely suspected to have been caused by regional conflict and climatic droughts, similar to the causes of the Classic Maya collapse and not alien vengeance, with ecological decline observable in discovered remains of juvenile skeletons with evidence of malnutrition.
