18 Consequences of High-Functioning Anxiety

18 Consequences of High-Functioning Anxiety

HC Staff - May 23, 2023

18 Consequences of High-Functioning Anxiety

10. You Obsess Over Every Mistake

People try to control their surroundings to some degree or other. It may just be a drop in a vast ocean. But in your life, your sphere, you play a vital role. And considering this, you can’t just float along with the current and accept anything life throws at you. As long as you are human and alive, you will plan, and you will think.

You will plan events and activities, and you think about your words and actions. This is how the world goes around, by sheer force of will and physics. But, no matter how much you plan and think, there will always be things that go wrong. Maybe it was out of your control or maybe it was due to an oversight on your part. This is another fact of life: humans make mistakes.

An intelligent and aware person will learn from these mistakes. They will define where they went wrong and aim to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Once a person does that, they will try to let it go. This whole process will progress even quicker if the mistake is a small one.

However, if you suffer from anxiety, you can’t let the small things go. When you have made a mistake, any mistake, you will obsess about it. You will analyze and evaluate and berate yourself repeatedly. You will be utterly disappointed in yourself for making a mistake in the first place.
