18 Consequences of High-Functioning Anxiety

18 Consequences of High-Functioning Anxiety

HC Staff - May 23, 2023

18 Consequences of High-Functioning Anxiety

4. You Experience Debilitating Mental Exhaustion

You can’t brush anxiety aside. And you can’t think or wish it away, either. It is a constant gnawing presence. A person who is suffering from anxiety can’t escape their condition. They are forced to confront it daily, and for the most part, they lose.

However, you may experience small victories every day that you can celebrate. But, even these are overshadowed in an anxious person’s mind. Even the most mundane tasks are filled with a baseline level of anxiety. Then there are the tasks that are more demanding. An example of this could be social interaction.

Each task on its own is accompanied by negligible amounts of anxiety. But what happens when these small doses build up and grow? The total is a hot load of anxiety. How is your mind supposed to deal with such an onslaught? You may persevere for some time, but at a point, you will be exhausted.

You will use up all your reserves and will quickly slump into a state of fatigue. Mental fatigue doesn’t exist solely in your mind. It transfers into your body. This doesn’t mean being mentally exhausted will lead to being physically exhausted. But, the only way that you can rest their mind is to rest your body.

It is common for an anxious person to suffer from periods of intense fatigue that originates in the mind. They may be forced to rest for hours on end, in the hopes of rejuvenating a tired and battered mind. The mind, like the body, can only be pushed so far.
