18 Old Fashioned Medical Devices that Belonged in Horror Movies

18 Old Fashioned Medical Devices that Belonged in Horror Movies

Trista - December 5, 2018

18 Old Fashioned Medical Devices that Belonged in Horror Movies
A man fitted with a brainwave measuring device. Pinterest.

5. Brainwave Measuring Device

The man in the photo is not being re-educated by the ministry of love or any other sinister organization. Instead, he is merely having his brainwaves measured in a very early rendition of the electroencephalogram (EEG.) An EEG is a test that measures the electrical activity of the brain, colloquially known as brain waves, to look for abnormalities. EEGs are commonly used for epilepsy, head trauma, and other brain diseases.

German psychiatrist Hans Berger performed the first EEG test in 1929. He published a manuscript “On the Electroencephalogram of Man” that laid out the foundation for EEG tests as we know them today. His findings were genuinely shocking at the time, and it took him almost ten years to convince his fellow physicians that his results were legitimate. However, by the middle of the 20th century EEGs were a widely used test with the focus now being on improving hardware rather than disputing Berger’s work.

Modern EEG set-ups don’t look terribly different than the photo. Numerous small discs with wires are pasted to the scalp. Despite the intimidating appearance, EEGs are painless and can often even be done on an outpatient basis. The EEG is also considered a minimal risk test, as no sensations or shocks or applied the electrodes record activity. One of the few documented side effects is seizures triggered by the flashing lights of the machine or the deep breathing required while taking the test.
