18 Reasons One is Executed for Witchcraft during the ‘Burning Times’

18 Reasons One is Executed for Witchcraft during the ‘Burning Times’

D.G. Hewitt - January 6, 2019

18 Reasons One is Executed for Witchcraft during the ‘Burning Times’
Women living with cats for company were widely assumed to be witches or up to no good. Wikimedia Commons.

7. You had a cat: For centuries, people really did believe that women who lived alone with cats for company were probably in league with the devil

Quite when black cats started to become closely associated with witchcraft is open to debate. Certainly, in Britain, the link can be traced back to the Celtic peoples, before the arrival of Christianity. They believed that cats were actually humans who had committed bad deeds in their lives and so, after dying, were forced to return to earth in feline form. From that point onward, cats were seen as malevolent spirits, with their independence and slightly aloof nature not helping their cause. Cats were also blamed for the Black Death in the 14th century. Thousands were killed, allowing rats – who were really responsible for helping the plague spread – to thrive.

The Pilgrims who settled in North America brought European superstitions across the ocean with them. So, during the height of the witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries, a lady living on her own with a cat or other household pet for the company was immediately put under suspicion. According to some witch-hunters, women would even suckle their cats or allow their animal companions to feed on their blood – third nipples, moles or warts were seen as tell-tale signs for this. As well as cats, pet snakes, even pet dogs were might also be seen as witch’s companions and get their owners in serious trouble.
