18 Strange Obsessions Shed New Light on these Historical Figures

18 Strange Obsessions Shed New Light on these Historical Figures

D.G. Hewitt - December 6, 2018

18 Strange Obsessions Shed New Light on these Historical Figures
General Patton was obsessed with the idea he had been a warrior in many past lives. Wikimedia Commons.

15. General George S Patton was obsessed with reincarnation and firmly believed he had fought in many of history’s most important wars

As the head of the U.S Third Army, General George S. Patton saw extensive action in the Mediterranean during the Second World War. But he also firmly believed he had lived several lives before coming back to lead troops in the Second World War – and it was a belief he was only too ready to share with others. Of course, Patton was convinced that his past lives were as eventful as the one that began in San Gabriel, California in 1885.

He spoke openly of his belief that he had been a warrior several times before. More specifically, he was obsessed with his past as first a Roman legionary and then as an officer in the army of Napoleon. He also believed that he had fought – and died – as a Viking warrior and that he had been present at the Siege of Tyre in 332BC. Patton held this obsession for all his life. This is despite the fact that he was also deeply religious, and the idea of reincarnation was by no means compatible with his Christian faith.
