19th Century Woman Mummified Inside the Airtight Metallic Case

19th Century Woman Mummified Inside the Airtight Metallic Case

Trista - May 7, 2019

19th Century Woman Mummified Inside the Airtight Metallic Case
An electron micrograph image of Smallpox.

24. An Ancient Disease Looms

Smallpox. Ever since its eradication in the 1970s, few diseases inspire as much fear when discussed as a resurgent disease or weapon of bioterrorism. As forensic scientists examined the mummified remains of the mystery woman, they began to notice lesions all over her body. Her body was so well preserved that smallpox lesions could be seen from her head to her feet. Did the high level of preservation of her body preserve the infectious nature of smallpox as well?
