20 Embarrassing Mistakes Historical Figures Made

20 Embarrassing Mistakes Historical Figures Made

Larry Holzwarth - September 23, 2018

20 Embarrassing Mistakes Historical Figures Made
Winston Churchill at the White House in January 1942, during his first visit to Washington. Imperial War Museum

8. Churchill received President Franklin Roosevelt naked

In December 1941, Winston Churchill traveled to the United States, arriving by ship at Norfolk, Virginia, and then flying to Washington in a US Navy aircraft. Rather than stay at the British Embassy Churchill remained at the White House as a guest, and he and Roosevelt developed the habit of late-night conferences fueled with drinks, cigars in Churchill’s case, and cigarettes in FDR’s. During his stay, Churchill roamed the residence freely. Together the leaders discussed the nature of what became the United Nations, using the name “Associated Powers”. On the night of January 1, 1942, Roosevelt, who had been working in his private study, hit upon the name United Nations and wheeled himself to Churchill’s rooms to inform the Prime Minister.

Roosevelt expected Churchill to be working, as was his wont, but when he entered the rooms being used by the Prime Minister he encountered Churchill having just emerged from his bath, stark naked. Both Roosevelt and Churchill later related that the nonplussed FDR was greeted by Churchill saying, “You see, I have nothing to hide from the President of the United States”, though the exact wording of the statement changed in its many retellings. Churchill later recounted the tale to the King, explaining that he was the only Prime Minister in history to receive a head of state while naked, a line which he also included in his extensive memoirs. Despite FDR being clearly startled, he presented the new name to Churchill, who later said that as he donned a robe he agreed to the change.
