25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000

25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000

Jacob Miller - July 26, 2017

25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
On July 25, 2000, Air France flight 4590 was travelling from Paris to New York City when it crashed into a hotel in Gonesse, France, killing 113 people. NY Daily News
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Everyone on the Concorde plane died. Getty Images
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Smoking- The crash site of the doomed Concorde plane. Getty Images
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Aftermath- Investigators discovered the plane had not been looked after properly (Image- PA). mirror
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Analyzing the crash site. National Post
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Investigators went through the wreckage piece by piece to find out why the Concorde crashed. Mirror
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Wreckage from the Air France Concorde which crash-ed just north of Paris. 113 people died, of whom 4 were on the ground when the crash occurred. Getty
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Removing the rubble. AP Photo
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Concorde crash of air France in Gonesse France on July 25th 2000. Fragment of the fuselage in the foreground. Getty
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Crash Site. Getty
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
The distance between take off and the crash. crash du concorde
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Scrum- Olivier Metzner (C), the lawyer for Continental Airlines speaks to journalists after the verdict in France. Daily Mail
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
The Concorde monument. zoovers
25 Images of the Disastrous Concorde Crash of 2000
Concorde crash memorial ceremony. ladepeche


Sources For Further Reading:

Wikipedia – Air France Flight 4590

Greensboro – Witnesses Saw Jet On Fire Before It Struck Hotel

Smithsonian Magazine – This Freak Aviation Disaster Brought Supersonic Idealism Down in Flames

Sun Sentinel – 113 Die In Crash Of Concorde

USA Today – French Court Overturns Concorde Crash Conviction

YouTube – Video: Air France Concorde Crash – 2000


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