20 Important Historical Figures Who Survived Assassination Attempts

20 Important Historical Figures Who Survived Assassination Attempts

Steve - April 8, 2019

20 Important Historical Figures Who Survived Assassination Attempts
Hughes II du Puiset, Count of Jaffa; author unknown (c. the 13th Century). Wikimedia Commons.

16. Hugh II of Jaffa unsuccessfully rebelled against the King of Jerusalem, before becoming the victim of an assassination attempt in the holy city itself at the hands of an unknown knight

Hugh du Puiset (b. 1106), also known as Hugh II, was Count of Jaffa and a prominent Crusader of the 12th century. Revolting against Fulk, King of Jerusalem and Count of Anjou, in 1134, Hugh was charged with treason and conspiracy. Demanding the issue be settled by judicial combat, Hugh failed to attend his own melee and was convicted in his absence. Exiled for three years by Fulk after his successful invasion of Jaffa, a decidedly light punishment given his offense, Hugh was permitted to reside in Jerusalem prior to commencing his period of exile. During this period, whilst playing dice on the streets, Hugh was attacked by a Breton knight.

Failing in his attempt and apprehended, the Breton was convicted and suffered genital mutilation for his crime. Rumors quickly spread concerning the involvement of Fulk in the would-be murder, who denied any participation in the event. The knight himself declared he “had ventured to do the deed on his own initiative in the hope of gaining the king’s favor”, however it is also unlikely that the knight would have implicated the royal person in any event. Departing into exile after a period of recovery, Hugh died before his return and his lands were absorbed by Fulk into the royal holdings.
