20 of the Best April Fools’ Day Pranks and Hoaxes of All Time

20 of the Best April Fools’ Day Pranks and Hoaxes of All Time

Larry Holzwarth - April 1, 2019

20 of the Best April Fools’ Day Pranks and Hoaxes of All Time
BMW has a long tradition of April Fools’ Day advertisements, leading other manufacturers to emulate the practice. Wikimedia

15 The rain-proof BMW sunroof, April 1, 1983

The German car manufacturer BMW has a long tradition of presenting advertisements on the first of April which are deliberate hoaxes, leading their fans to expect them and limiting their efficiency as a joke, since it is well-known and expected of them. That was not the case on April Fools’ Day, 1983, when magazine and newspaper advertisements revealed their latest innovation in luxury. The company announced a new sunroof, which drivers could leave open in the hardest rain while the interior of the vehicle remained dry. According to the ads, the car could be driven through an automatic carwash with the top open, the occupants protected by the new design.

BMW claimed that the new sunroof was designed by one of their engineers, identified by the company as Herr Blohn. The system used high volume air blowers to direct a jet of air across the opening, which diverted water from entering the vehicle. Those potential customers who wanted additional information were directed to telephone customer service and direct their call to April Wurst (pronounced versed). Since the 1983 April Fools’ Day advertisement BMW has produced many more such jokes, inspiring similar tongue in cheek advertisements and announcements by competitors.
