1. The Snake Eradication Plan That Disastrously Backfired
British India’s rulers were worried when Delhi became infested with venomous cobras, so they offered a bounty for dead cobras, payable upon delivery of their skin to designated officials. Before long, natives were thronging to the drop off points, whose store rooms were soon bulging with cobra skins. However, the city’s cobra population remained unchanged, no matter how many cobra skins were delivered to the authorities. Officials eventually figured out why: many locals had turned to farming cobras. Since the bounty on the snake skin was greater than the cost of raising a cobra, the British had unintentionally created a new cash crop.
So the authorities cancelled the plan, and stopped paying out bounties for cobra skins. That made things worse. Without the bounties, cobra skins and captive cobras became worthless. So Delhi’s cobra farmers did the economically sensible thing, and released the snakes back into the wild – the “wild” in this case being the city of Delhi. The infestation grew by orders of magnitude, and Delhi wound up with many times more cobras than it had possessed before the authorities launched their ill advised plan.
Where Did We Find This Stuff? Some Sources and Further Reading
Ancient History Encyclopedia – Vespasian
Ancient Origins – Sarah Wilson: The Trickster Who Rose From Convict to Princess
Atlas Obscura – The Great French Moustache Strike of 1907
Bakewell, Michael and Melissa – Augusta Leigh: Byron‘s Half Sister (2000)
Civil War Saga – Child Soldiers in the Civil War
Cracked – 5 Forgotten Historical Facts That Prove the Past‘s Crazy AF
Encyclopedia Britannica – John of Bohemia
Epoch Times, October 5th, 2013 – Chinese Idioms: Borrowing Arrows With Thatched Boats
Esoterx – Bad Habits: The 15th Century Biting Nun Mania
Irish Times, September 12th, 2017 – Fake Smiles and False Teeth: A History of Dental Pain
Mad Monarchs – Farouk of Egypt
New York Times Magazine, January 15th, 1995 – The Great Ivy League Nude Photo Posture Scandal
Orkneyjar – Sigurd the Mighty: The First Earl of Orkney
ThoughtCo. – The Death of Catherine the Great
Vice – Bizarre Vintage Photos of Nazis Posing With Men in Polar Bear Costumes
We Are the Mighty – Marines Were Once Saved by Candy From the Sky
We Are the Mighty – The Union Saved an Ironclad by Deploying a $9 Trash Decoy