20 Outlandish Scientific Theories from History

20 Outlandish Scientific Theories from History

Steve - July 27, 2019

There is no denying science has provided humanity with countless benefits, from electricity and modern medicine, to a greater understanding of the wondrous universe and our place within it. However, as Charles Kettering poignantly noted, “99.9 percent of success is built on failure”. In a theoretical example of natural selection at work, the history of science is the history of one outdated and incorrect idea being gradually consumed and replaced by another. Not always indicative of failure, and still capable of providing insights and focus for future discoveries, some of these flawed historic understandings nevertheless ranged from the immensely short-sighted or foolish to downright dangerous and moronic.

20 Outlandish Scientific Theories from History
In contrast to popular assumptions, belief in a flat Earth is actually a modern creation stemming from only the late-19th century, as depicted on this map by Orlando Ferguson (c. 1893). Wikimedia Commons.


Here are 20 insane scientific theories that people from history actually believed:
