20 Reasons Why Pope John XII was the Worst Pope in History

20 Reasons Why Pope John XII was the Worst Pope in History

Tim Flight - April 29, 2019

20 Reasons Why Pope John XII was the Worst Pope in History
Gambling, medieval style, Augsburg, 1472. Fine Art America

14. POPE John would ask for help from pagan gods when gambling and toasted the devil when drinking

One of John’s greatest vices was gambling. To fund this particularly expensive habit, he would not only sell offices (as to the Bishop of Todi), but pinch the money donated by pious Christians or simply raid the Vatican’s massive treasure chest. Gambling is a sinful enough pastime for a man of the cloth, let alone the Pope, especially when funded through theft and corruption. But the cherry on the top of a particularly rotten cake was John’s habit of asking Jupiter and Venus to bring him luck, rather than the Holy Trinity or a saint.

Did the Pope even believe in God? Well, it’s certainly clear he didn’t care about Catholic theology. For he went one better (or worse) than asking pagan gods for help when out drinking, for he would habitually lead others in a toast to none other than the greatest enemy of God, Satan. Whilst most medieval people lived in fear of eternal damnation and Satan’s many-pronged pitchfork, John couldn’t care less. Most embarrassing of all to the church, and especially those who elected him, was his habit of hailing Lucifer in public, setting a terrible example to his flock.
