20 Wars in History that Left Behind Devastating Death Tolls

20 Wars in History that Left Behind Devastating Death Tolls

Steve - December 23, 2018

20 Wars in History that Left Behind Devastating Death Tolls
The Battle of Waterloo (1815), by William Sadler. Wikimedia Commons.

17. The Napoleonic Wars fought between an international coalition against the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte resulted in the deaths of an estimated 3,500,000 to 7,000,000 people

The Napoleonic Wars were a sequence of conflicts fought between the French Empire, led by Emperor Napoleon I, against a varying coalition of European powers, commonly led by the United Kingdom, between 1803 and 1815. After Napoleon’s seizure of power in 1799, establishing himself as First Consul of France and reorganizing the French Empire into an expansionist power, Great Britain declared war on France in May 1803 in opposition to his attempt to annex Switzerland. Joined by Russia and the Holy Roman Empire, fearing French domination of their own territories, the War of the Third Coalition begun.

After the the Battle of Austerlitz, where Napoleon defeated the larger armies of Russian Tsar Alexander I and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II, the War of the Third Coalition morphed into the Fourth Coalition (1806-1807), including Prussia, Russia, Saxony, Sweden, and Great Britain, in a desperate attempt to forestall the military might of the French Emperor. This coalition equally failed, becoming the Fifth Coalition (1809), uniting the forces of the British and Austrian Empires, then the Sixth Coalition (1813), consisting of Austria, Prussia, Russia, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, and the majority of the German states, before finally the Seventh Coalition ended the threat posed by Napoleon in 1815.
