20 Wars in History that Left Behind Devastating Death Tolls

20 Wars in History that Left Behind Devastating Death Tolls

Steve - December 23, 2018

20 Wars in History that Left Behind Devastating Death Tolls
Ming dynasty illustration of the events of the Yellow Turban Rebellion (c. 1571). Wikimedia Commons.

15. The Yellow Turban Rebellion lasted for 21 years, resulting in the deaths of between 3,000,000 and 7,000,000 people and causing the collapse of an imperial dynasty

The Yellow Turban Rebellion, lasting for 21 years between 184-205, was a peasant revolt against the Eastern Han dynasty of China. Following a period of famine in Northern China, in conjunction with prohibitive taxation to fund military fortifications along the Silk Road and an increasingly corrupt Imperial Court, public support steadily declined as an opinion formed that Emperor Ling had forfeited his Mandate of Heaven. Organized by the Taoist sect of Zhang Jue, the planned rebellion was betrayed before it was fully ready. Despite this setback, tens of thousands joined the premature revolt in early 184 in an effort to overthrow the failing government.

Although winning some early victories and amassing a considerably larger force, outnumbering the Imperial Army 2,000,000 to 350,000, the untrained peasantry proved no match for professional soldiers. Suffering heavy losses in 185, the rebellion continued in a number of provinces in a guerilla format until 205. The losses were devastating, with millions killed, the control of central government eradicated in many districts, and much of the economy left in ruins. Whilst not personally achieving their ultimate goal, the rebellion set the stage for the collapse of the Han dynasty in 220 after failing to regain control over the wounded nation.
