20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory

20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory

Trista - September 29, 2019

20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory
Credit: Britannica

11. Mary Read

Born in 1690, Mary Read is one of only two women who have ever been convicted of piracy. Mary spent much of her early life disguised as a man and joined the British military as Mark Read. She took to the sea during what many historians called the “golden age” of piracy from the beginning to mid 18th century.

But her military life was about to change. When the naval ship she was on was captured by pirates in the West Indies, Mary Read was forced to join them. Although she was not a willing participant at first, she found that she enjoyed a pirate’s life.
