20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory

20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory

Trista - September 29, 2019

20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory
Credit: Britannica

Eliot contributed to the Westminister Review, a leading journal for philosophical radicals, and later was named the editor. The novels published under George Eliot’s name were “Adam Bede” (1859), “The Mill on the Floss” (1860), “Silas Marner” (1861), “Romola” (1862-63), “Middlemarch” (1871-72) and “Daniel Deronda” (1876).

Many of the writings were set in provincial England, and they became known for their realism and psychological insights. The most notorious example is “Middlemarch,” which has a central theme about a heroine who is living in the wrong time in history.
