20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory

20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory

Trista - September 29, 2019

20 Women Who Posed as Men and Made History Into HERstory
Credit: ESPN

5. Kathrine Switzer

Kathrine Switzer recalled talking about the Boston Marathon with her coach. Women were not allowed to compete but if they could, he said, she could be the one to do it. Switzer signed up for the competition under the name K.V. Switzer in 1967 just so she could do that. She is the first woman to participate in a famous runner’s competition.

Switzer recalled on her webpage that moments before the marathon, a racer named Tom commented that she should take off her lipstick so she would not be found out. She refused. When sports reporters questioned after the marathon, she told them that she likes to run, the longer, the better, and that she would come back to run even if her club is banned.
