20th Century’s Deadliest Disasters

20th Century’s Deadliest Disasters

Khalid Elhassan - October 26, 2020

20th Century’s Deadliest Disasters
‘The Yellow River Breaches its Course’, by Ma Yuan, 1160 – 1225. Wikimedia

24. The Tragic Yellow River Has Long Been a Blessing and Curse for China

The Yellow River is probably the world’s most tragic river. Making its way through northern China, the Yellow River has been the cradle of that country’s civilization. Frequently, however, it has also been China’s curse: another name for the Yellow River is “The River of Sorrows“. The river, which got its name from the yellow loess silt that it carries and that gives it a distinctive color, is lined with dikes to keep it from overflowing its banks. Those dikes have failed on numerous occasions, with disastrous consequences.

20th Century’s Deadliest Disasters
The Yellow River. YouTube

From time to time throughout China’s history, sudden heavy rainfalls have caused the Yellow River’s water level to rise rapidly. Sometimes that leads to the river topping and overflowing the protective dikes, or breaching them outright. In 1887, one such episode led to the Yellow River’s deadliest flooding, and history’s second deadliest natural disaster.
