20th Century’s Deadliest Disasters

20th Century’s Deadliest Disasters

Khalid Elhassan - October 26, 2020

20th Century’s Deadliest Disasters
The 1931 Central China Floods. Thing Link

17. Of All of History’s Tragic Natural Disasters, None Were Deadlier Than the 1931 Central China Floods

The 1887 Yellow River Flood was just as deadly as it was tragic. However, even with its estimated 900,000 fatalities, the 1887 Yellow River Flood was “only” history’s second deadliest natural disaster. Its death toll was eclipsed by yet another tragic Chinese riverine calamity: the 1931 Central China Flood.

20th Century’s Deadliest Disasters
Flooding in Hankou, China, September 1931. U Need 2 KNow

That year, the Yangtze and Huai rivers experienced disastrous flooding that submerged about 70,000 square miles. That is an area as big as England, plus half of Scotland tossed in. 53 million people were impacted, and up to 4 million were killed in the catastrophe.
