21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence

21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence

Jacob Miller - July 15, 2017

21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
The Battle of Šibenika (Croatia) lasted 7 days. Pinterest
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
Croatia Vukovar Nov 1991 Croats expelled from their homes by Serbs. Pinterest
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
Spring 1992. Bombs and fires have done their work on the Stradun, Dubrovnik’s main street. Thomas Kern, swissinfo.ch
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
Croatia Zagreb Dec 1991 – A Croat child farewells soldier father. Photo- Jadran Mimica
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
Croatia 1991,Osijek. Pinterest
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
Buildings destroyed by The Yugoslavian National Army during the Siege of Vukovar, Croatia. Pinterest
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
The destruction of Croatia. Museum of Croatian War of Independence
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
Vukovar during the Croatian War of Independence : Christopher Morris. Tumblr
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
Old woman in the midst of the Coratian War of Independence. novahistoria
21 Dramatic Photographs of the Croatian War of Independence
The Vukovar water tower in Croatia now stands as a symbol of the battle that took place during the Croatian War of Independence in 1991. Vukovar, Croatia. Pinterest
