21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising

21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising

Jacob Miller - July 10, 2017

21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising
13. We Demand the appointment of three lawyers from the New York State Bar Association to full-time positions for the provision of legal assistance to inmates seeking post-conviction relief, and to act as a liaison between the administration and inmates for bringing inmates’ complaints to the attention of the administration. Authorities quell the 1971 riots at Attica prison in upstate New York.1971. AP
21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising
14. We Demand the updating of industry working conditions to the standards provided for under New York State law. State police herd the subdued inmates into a yard before stripping and searching them after a prison riot at the Attica State Prison. nypost
21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising
15. We Demand the establishment of inmate worker’s insurance plan to provide compensation for work-related accidents. John Shearer
21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising
17. We Demand annual accounting of the inmates Recreational Fund and formulation of an inmate committee to give inmates a voice as to how such
funds are used. Prison officials clean up weapons and other materials used in the Attica Correctional Facility uprising of 1971. AP
21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising
18. We Demand that the present Parole Board appointed by the Governor be eradicated and replaced by the parole board elected by popular vote of the people. In a world where many crimes are punished by indeterminate sentences and where authority acts within secrecy and within vast discretion and given heavy weight to accusations by prison employees against inmates, inmates feel trapped unless they are willing to abandon their desire to be independent men. Pinterest
21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising
19. We Demand that the state legislature create a full-time salaried board of overseers for the State Prisons. The board would be responsible for evaluating allegations made by inmates, their families, friends and lawyers against employers charged with acting inhumanely, illegally or unreasonably. The board should include people nominated by a psychological or psychiatric association, by the State Bar Association or by the Civil Liberties Union and by groups of concerned involved laymen.
Frank “Big Black” Smith of Brooklyn, N.Y., who was indicted for murder and kidnapping during the Attica prison uprising, leads a rally at the Capitol in Albany, N.Y., April 28, 1975. AP Photo
21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising
20. We Demand an immediate end to the agitation of race relations by the prison administration of this State. Thousands gathered Sept. 23, 1971, at the state Capitol in Albany to protest the militant police action at Attica. Pinterest
21 Images of the Horrific Attica Prison Uprising
21. We Demand that the Dept. of Corrections furnish all prisoners with the services of ethnic counsellors for the needed special services of the Brown and Black population of this prison.
Photographer John Shearer on assignment outside Attica prison during a prisoner riot and uprising. Pinterest


Sources For Further Reading:

NYpost – The True Story of The Attica Prison Riot

The New Yorker – Slaughter in Attica

New York City Archives – New York City and the Attica State Prison Riot

The New York Times – A Brutal Beating Wakes Attica’s Ghosts

Los Angeles Times – Legacy of Deadly Attica Riot Is Nonviolence

The Mashall Project – Attica’s Ghosts

The New York Times – Frank Smith, 71, Is Dead; Sought Justice After Attica

Syracuse – Nixon, Rockefeller Discuss Attica Uprising in Newly Published Presidential Tapes

History – What the Nixon Tapes Reveal About the Attica Prison Uprising

Salon – Empire State Disgrace: The Dark, Secret History of The Attica Prison Tragedy
