24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine

24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine

Jacob Miller - July 16, 2017

24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
White youths stand by on the first day of integration at Little Rock High School in Arkansas, 1957. MSNBC
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
African-American students arrive at Little Rock Central High under guard by troops from the 101 Airborne, 1957. tesd.libguides
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
Paratroopers from the 101 Airborne stand guard outside Little Rock Central High. tesd.libguides
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
The Little Rock Nine being escorted by the National Guard to Little Rock Central High School. Encyclopedia Britannica
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
Seven of nine black students walk onto the campus of Central High School in Little Rock, Ark. with a National Guard officer as an escort. | AP Photo
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
President Eisenhower sent the U.S. Army to enforce the Supreme Court’s call for school integration. The Army escorted the Little Rock Nine into the school building, and a soldier accompanied each of them to every class. Robin Talley
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
03 Oct 1957, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA — African American students attending Little Rock Central High are escorted to a waiting Army station wagon for their return home after classes. Their guard was heavier than usual because of a “walk-out” demonstration by about 50 segregationist students. One of the black students was burned in effigy on the campus in an atmosphere of general tension. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
Armed members of the 101st Airborn were posted outside the doors to Central High School to ensure the safety of the students. history
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
Soldiers lead protestors away. renegatetribune
24 Photographs of Civil Rights Pioneers The Little Rock Nine
This photo shows the Little Rock Nine meeting with New York Mayor Robert Wagner. Robin Talley
