25 Bizarre Historical Facts They Don’t Teach in School

25 Bizarre Historical Facts They Don’t Teach in School

Natasha sheldon - January 28, 2019

25 Bizarre Historical Facts They Don’t Teach in School
Ronald Reagan as a Lifeguard, Lowell Park, Dixon, Illinois. 1927. Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.

1. During High School, Ronald Reagan was a lifeguard who saved 77 lives

In 1925, 14-year-old future US President Ronald Reagan took a summer job as a lifeguard at the prestigious Lowell Park sanctuary in Illinois. It was a job he kept up for seven summers. The young Reagan worked every day of the week, for twelve hours a day monitoring guests at the resort that were swimming in the Rock River. During the time Reagan worked there, he saved seventy-seven lives, which he kept a tally of on a log by the river’s edge.


Where do we get this stuff? Here are our sources:

Albert Einstein: Fact or Fiction? History.com, August 21, 2018

When Was Napoleon Attacked by a Horde of Rabbits? Reference.com

The Shortest War in History, Ben Johnson, Historic UK

The Cat Telephone, April C Armstrong, Mudd Manuscript Library Blog, April 26, 2017

The Secret Plot to Rescue Napoleon by Submarine, Mike dash, Smithsonian .com, March 8, 2013

The Most stolen work of Art, Amy Tikkanen, Encyclopedia Britannica

Did you know that the term Antarctic actually comes from “anti-Arctic”? South Pole 1911-2011

What Are The Origins Of The Names Arctic And Antarctica? Rotich Kiptoo Victor, World Atlas, April 24, 2018

Louis Antoine de Bourbon, Duc d’Angoulême: The loyal Dauphin, Heidi Mehrkens, Heirs to the Throne Project

And You Thought Your Neck Cramps Were Bad… (ca. 2000 – 30 BC), The Scribe, The Ancient Standard, August 9, 2007

Numerals and Numerical Systems, David Eugene Smith and William Judson LeVeque, Encyclopedia Britannica, January 7, 2019

How Jan van Eyck’s Masterpiece, the Ghent Altarpiece, Became the Most Stolen Work of Art in History, Open Culture, December 24th, 2020

History’s Most Stolen Art Piece, Medium, Sep 26, 2020

America Has Been Struggling with the Metric System For More Than 200 Years, Kat Eschner, Smithsonian Magazine, July 27, 2017

John Avery, Encyclopedia Britannica, May 19, 2017

The First Bomb Dropped by The Allies on Berlin Didn’t Harm Anyone But Did Hit an Elephant in Berlin Zoo! Christian Oord, War History Online, January 1, 2019

The Strange Musical World of Kim Jong Il, Brian Wise, WQXR, December 19, 2011

Lifeguarding at Lowell Park, Reagan Foundation

Guinness Book of World Records 2016, Guinness World Records dot Com.

