27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

Jacob Miller - September 12, 2017

27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr stands before a crowd of reporters and photographers outside the Justice Department and answers questions about his investigation into President Clinton and intern Monica Lewinsky, Washington DC, January 22, 1998. ABC
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Monica Lewinsky and her stepmother, Barbara Lewinsky push through a large crowd of media as they leave a Santa Monica, California restaurant on Feb. 5, 1998. ABC News
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky(R) walks down the street 17 April with attorney Nathaniel Speights(L) after leaving a nearby restaurant in Washington, DC. US President Bill Clinton is currently under investigation for having an alleged affair with Lewinsky while she worked as an intern at the White House. (Getty)
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Monica Lewinsky leaves the Cosmos Club with her attorney William Ginsberg (L) after spending the day in the private Washington Club, January 29. Lewinsky’s lawyers have been asking for total immunity before she would testify in front of a Federal Grand Jury. Getty
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Monica Lewinsky is pictured in a video grab as she is sworn in for her deposition on Feb. 1, 1999. ABC News
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
This undated photograph showing the blue dress worn by Monica Lewinsky along with other items related to her relationship with President Clinton was submitted as evidence in the Kenneth Starr investigation. ABC News
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Television satellite trucks and White House visitors gather outside the White House on Aug. 17, 1998, as President Clinton faced questions from a grand jury about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. ABC News
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Clinton’s lies about the relationship contributed to his impeachment by the House in 1998; the Senate acquitted him. Deaccon Chronicle
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
In this image made from video, President Clinton responds to a question about his recollection of who told him about Monica Lewinsky receiving a subpoena in the Paul Jones case during his videotaped testimony on Aug. 17, 1998. ABC News
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr Kenneth Starr testifies before House Judiciary Committee regarding articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton on Nov. 19, 1998. ABC News
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
President Clinton appears downcast when asked about his possible resignation due to the Lewinsky scandal during a press conference on Dec. 13, 1998. ABC News
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
President Bill Clinton denies improper behavior with Monica Lewinsky, on January 26, 1998, in the White House Roosevelt Room stating, I did not have sexual relations with that woman. ABC News
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Ms. Lewinsky responded to a partial transcript of a late-1990’s phone conversation in which Mrs. Clinton called her a “narcissistic loony toon” by stating that “Hillary Clinton wanted it on record that she was lashing out at her husband’s mistress. She may have faulted her husband for being inappropriate, but I find her impulse to blame the Woman – not only me, but herself, – troubling.”
27 Photos from the Monica Lewinsky Scandal
Newspaper headlines after the story of the affair broke. Pinterest


Sources For Further Reading:

History – Monica Lewinsky Scandal

Time Magazine – A Timeline of Key Moments in the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal

BBC News – Bill Clinton Claims Monica Lewinsky Affair Was to ‘Help Anxieties’

Standard UK – How the Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton Affair Unfolded

NY Post – Linda Tripp Memoir Reveals Dirty Details About Lewinsky-Clinton Affair

Business Insider – Monica Lewinsky Joked That Her White House Internship Was Among Her Most Ill-Advised Job Decisions

The Atlantic – The Clinton Impeachment, As Told by The People Who Lived It

The Baltimore Sun – Winding Trail of Clinton Sex Scandal Initial Frenzy Ends, But Investigation By Starr Continues

The Washington Post – Clinton Admits to Lewinsky Relationship, Challenges Starr to End Personal ‘Prying’

The Washington Post – Hillary Clinton and the Whitewater Controversy

VOX – Whitewater, Explained for People Who Don’t Remember the Clinton Presidency

History Collection – 40 Facts About the History of Impeachment
