30 Real Facts About Michael Jackson’s Childhood and How He Became The King of Pop

30 Real Facts About Michael Jackson’s Childhood and How He Became The King of Pop

Trista - January 25, 2019

30 Real Facts About Michael Jackson’s Childhood and How He Became The King of Pop
The Jackson family. Wikimedia.

25. Music Ran In the Family

Michael’s father, Joe, was a professional guitar player, often performing on weekends with a blues band, The Falcons, to earn extra money for the family. One of the members of The Falcons later went on to find fame with a doo-wop group, The Spaniels. Michael’s mother, Katherine, played both clarinet and piano and loved country-western music. As a young woman, she had hoped to be a country-western star but placed that dream on the back-burner to focus on her family.
